Hi, as far as security advisories from Redhat I only see the last update to Postfix being 9/2/04 2.0.16-14.RHEL3.
Centos3.3 however added a newer version that I am currently using which matches the last 2.0 version official release at postfix.org.
/pub/cAos/centos-3/3.3/contrib/i386/RPMS/ postfix-2.0.20-1.centos3.1
Since I am running this as my public smtp server it makes me wonder why Redhat has not moved to Postfix 2.1 which is the latest official release.
Anyone have a opinion whether it is safe to stick with Redhats Postfix's release on a public smtp server or should I move to 2.1?
-- Mike
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