Mark Haney wrote:
On 11/29/2017 01:43 PM, wrote:
Mark Haney wrote:
Any idea what happened?
No idea what could have happened, but if it were me, I wouldn't copy anything - I'd yum reinstall instantly. You have no idea what *else* is missing.
Thinking about it... you might consider verifying the entire system. Since something's missing from initscripts, I'd worry a *lot*.
Believe me, I am. Unfortunately and unbeknownst to me, this box has been in production on the customer side for a couple of weeks now. I've checked every other box that's been kickstarted for the last month and none show the same problems. It's really bizarre.
Some admin ran find / -exec rm -f {} ;, when they meant to run find /somepathorother.
And as far as the /etc/init.d/functions file goes, C7 doesn't place it there, it's in /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions, so symlinking to it from /etc/init.d/ fixed that particular problem.
The weird issue with /usr/share/perl5/ is that there was some files and directories there, just not everything, so it wasn't completely empty. I have no real answer to that, though.
But, right now, the box is stable for what it will be doing, and I've got a production MySQL server to troubleshoot why it's imploded twice the last two nights after being up for 400 days without trouble.
The joys of dealing with multiple dumpster fires at a time is why I love (and hate) IT.
Best of luck.