Am Mon, 27 May 2013 08:15:52 +0000 schrieb "HAJJ CHEHADE, Ahmad"
Hello everybody,
I am trying to run 2 instances of apache on centos since 2 weeks with no lucks :S, exactly on the same IP address but different port. I've set up two configuration as follow: /etc/httpd and /etc/httpd2, and I duplicated the httpd service, so now I have 2 httpd service each one run an httpd conf.
Try to follow this
FreeBSD has support for this out of the box.
You might want to take a look at how exactly FreeBSD handles the configuration. You will most likely also need to specify different log-, lock- and pid-files/paths.
I've done it on FreeBSD and it works like a charm.
Regards, Rainer