On Wed, Sep 7, 2011 at 3:24 PM, Gene Poole gene.poole@macys.com wrote:
Anyone familiar with RHEV (Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization)? Any ideas on how to emulate this on CentOS?
Thanks, Gene Poole
You simply need to install the Virtualizartion Group with yum to get it :)
How good is it? That will depend on what you prefer to use, between XEN & KVM and what you have used in the past.
Red Hat (and thus CentOS) has native XEN support but dropped XEN in favor of KVM (which is not as mature yet) in RH 6.
I think the only real difference between Red Hat's "Enterprise" Virtualization and CentOS Virtualization Group could be that Red Hat has a few commercial management tools included. But the underlying core functionality would be the same. I don't use RH, so I don't know exactly, this is just an assumtion.
But, be careful of mentioning anything other than actual CentOS related software on this list. Some people here don't like it and will get hostile toward you for mentioning it.