On Sat, 2010-05-08 at 09:43 -0700, aurfalien@gmail.com wrote:
On May 8, 2010, at 9:37 AM, Craig White wrote:
I tried that a while back, together with webmin and that php thing.
I was kinda hoping to use webmin for everything; DNS, DHCP, LDAP so that a jr sys admin could manage our intranet based services. But with LDAP, webmin doesn't seem to like adding users to groups and errors out.
So I just hand edit an ldif for now and ldapmodify.
I'll revisit the webmin error regarding adding users to groups and see whats going on.
I use webmin's LDAP Users and Groups to administer both users and groups
- it works fine if configured properly.
You mind sharing some nuggets?
First, my issue;
Using webmin, I can add users and also add them to groups and secondary group during initial creation of that user.
However if I then try to add an already created user to a secondary group, webmin fails with;
Failed to save group : Failed to modify group in LDAP database : modify/delete: description: no such attribute
I can do this using ldapmodify with an ldif file, just not via webmin.
I can add, remove users via webmin, I just can't add them to secondary groups after I've created them.
I can only add them to secondary groups during initial creation of that user.
Any help would be very very cool.
Thanks in advance Craig.
---- I only recently discovered that myself - and I noticed that only occurred when the group is not a samba group (i.e. no sambaGroupMapping ou) but I almost suspect that it's because I am not using 'objectclass top' for these entries but I never really investigated further. The only differences between the ones that I can edit and the ones I can't edit are the objectclass 'sambaGroupMapping' and 'top'