On Wed, 6 Jan 2021 at 11:17, Simon Matter simon.matter@invoca.ch wrote:
On Wed, 6 Jan 2021 at 07:50, Simon Matter simon.matter@invoca.ch
Am 06.01.21 um 03:01 schrieb Scott Robbins:
On Tue, Jan 05, 2021 at 11:31:34PM +0000, Jamie Burchell wrote:
Off topic for sure, but it's a shame this has to be a manual process
destroying and rebuilding every X years. Even Microsoft has gone the Apple way and just perpetually updates Windows 10 now.
I'm not sure how it will go. Fedora now has a very good upgrade tool that has worked for me through a few versions. So, hopefully, RH, and
will have one too, who knows, maybe in time to migrate to Stream-9.
Fedora's package set is quite "stable". You can expect that a package
in the next release. This is not so valid for EL. Deprecated packages (ImageMagick in EL7 but not in EL8) make such upgrade path difficult
It's anyway hard to understand how an enterprise grade Linux can be shipped without things like ImageMagick or Tomcat. For quite some time now it gives me the impression that we're not the targeted audience anymore.
The issue is that 'Enterprise' is an overloaded term without the nuance
needs. In the 'small' enterprise you have a lot of use of ImageMagick and TomCat. In the large enterprise of 100,000+ servers.. it isn't. As more
the large enterprises moved into RHEL, the amount of usage for a lot of 'leaf' programs became rounding errors without enough usage to justify
bug-fixing needed when compared to the load of bugfixing/enhancements/etc in the 100k customers.
Thanks for confirming that RHEL is the wrong OS for SME businesses these days. It's not really good for SME servers and not really good for SME clients. Something between Fedora and RHEL could be it but it doesn't exist.
I didn't say or mean that. My answer is that it is complicated and more meant that the software you expect requires more than the industry in general is willing to pay to keep going. 10-20 years ago they were and so the software was able to be 'mainstream'. As less people use it, and less people are willing to pay for its maintenance the harder it is to keep 'running safely'. Tomcat and Imagemagick have had a LOT of severe security problems over the years and the general way the software is written makes anyone who does work on them say it will have it for years in the future. As less of the industry uses that software, the cost to keep the software running is going to cost more.
So please don't take my statement to confirm your preconceived notion.
BTW, servers? Who needs servers in the days of clouds and serverless computing :-)
That's really sad because the competitors still include such important software as first class citizens. Maybe our requirements are just too old school?
An additional problem is a generational one. We have a lot of programs which do various things 'well' enough written 10-30 years ago, and we of
certain age use them for the hammers to every nail problem. However, the problems fleets of 100k systems have are more welding versus hammering.
we are in a situation where we do need to retrain some of our hammers to be rivet guns. There is also a similar industry problem that anything older than 2 years ago is not sexy anymore because VC and investors aren't
to dump money into it. [You see a similar issue in the various 'popular mechanics' press that all homes in the next generation will only be built with metal and hammers and wood are a thing of the past. What you see instead is a wave of it and then a realization that you end up needing to do a little of each.]
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