You'll probably be able to use rsync to copy everything from your server first before the re-install.
Something like rsync -avcz --partial --progress --rsh="ssh"* /home/path_to_local_folder
Possibly also need to copy the config files for whatever else that cannot be easily replicated from a fresh install.
On 6/8/11, John J. Boyer wrote:
After reading the replies to my message about changing from RHEL to CentOS I think it might be easier to install the latest version of CentOS from scratch. I can save my home directory and my e-mail setup. My access to the present system is by ssh. How can I download everything with ssh then start the install? Since I am blind, I may need sighted help during the actual install process. Is it possible to specify answers to the questions wich the install will ask beforehand?
Pardon the dumb questions. I want to get the process completed with as little interference to my software development work as possible.
John J. Boyer; President, Chief Software Developer Abilitiessoft, Inc. Madison, Wisconsin USA Developing software for people with disabilities
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