On 15/12/09 15:40, Majian wrote:
Hi ,all :
I'm trying to define an alias with an embeded awk command:
alias checketh0 `ifconfig eth0 |grep 'inet addr:' |awk '{prinrt $2}'
|cut -c 6- `
After I edit it in the .cshrc file and run "source .cshrc" , I run
the "checketh0" command in the terminal ,
the screen displays the " Command not found "
Why does is it ?Any help will be highly appreciated.
note: I'm using csh shell.
Hi Majian,
It's not an issue with awk but with the way the alias is interpreted.
It tries to run the result of the commands in between the ` ` as a
command itself. To get around it, try:
# alias checketh0="echo `ifconfig eth0 | grep 'inet addr:' |awk '{print
$2}' | cut -c 6-`"