On Tue, 13 Mar 2007 15:36:48 +1300 MrKiwi mrkiwi@gmail.com took out a #2 pencil and scribbled:
Hi All,
I guess this is a political question rather than technical.
New Zealand is probably extending daylight saving time with a bill currently being drafted. It will (most likely) change the end data of dst by pushing it out ~3 weeks.
My question; AFAIK CentOS/whitebox/et. al. should not make any changes to tzdata - it is an upstream issue, but how do we ensure that 'upstream' find out about things like this?
If I'm not mistaken a change like that would be be a bug filed under the appropriate upstream maintainer. Possibly that would fall under feature request, since I don't think it's really a bug per se. I could be very mistaken on what type of bug you'd file in this case.