On 04/01/07, R Lists06 lists06@abbacomm.net wrote:
A friend of mine is running 3.3 He asked what I thought about going to 4.4
I imagine it is best to backup and fresh install and migrate old configs and data What is the wisdom on the list I remember going from beta 3 to 3 a long time ago. Anyone ever upgrade from 3.x to 4.x without problem and how so? I didn't see a lot on the www other than some apt-get info
We went from various RH9 and earlier and FC3 and earlier builds straight to WBEL/CentOS 4 and in every case backed-up, rebuilt the box from scratch then pieced configs back together as much as possible in keeping with OS defaults, trying to fit in to the RHEL way.
I think I recall from previous similar threads that people *have* upgraded from 3 to 4 but the general concensus was that if you can, you should rebuild from scratch.
The main benefit being any configuration gotchas will be apparent straight away as you're configuring each specific aspect of your/their system.