On Thu, 28 Jun 2007, Radu-Cristian FOTESCU wrote:
What's amazing is that he got his problem resolved, I would never have thought to post to this list to get something on the fedora wiki fixed. It's kinda like posting to a MS Word list a problem about OpenOffice.
Well, thank you all, but Paul, you're not correct. My first mail asked for advice. It was not "hey, I want those packages in EPEL!", but rather "does anyone know how one can suggest packages to be added to EPEL?" I thought that was clear enough, and since EPEL users are RHEL users + CentOS users + SL users + StartCom users, I also believed [some of] you should already be using EPEL, some of you needing more, and some of you already *knowing* how to add suggestions for EPEL!
And you send that mail to the wrong list. Just admit that and your life becomes easier. There's nothing wrong with admiting an error, people respect you for it.
But arguing the opposite while people know better is plain *censored*.
Sure, some people here know your answers. Hell, you could ask Microsoft questions here and get answers. But that doesn't mean this is the right list for Microsoft questions.
I'm sure you can understand this without arguing.
To me, it was a very logical thing to do: ask people who NEED those packages, not people who are not actually using them! (Fedora guys use Fedora, right?)
Go and tell the EPEL people. EPEL is a Fedora project and not a CentOS project. Go check the EPEL mailinglist where we have discussed that Fedora is probably the wrong place to create CentOS/RHEL packages.
It's amazing indeed how things moved towards a solution, however it's also amazing how in A.D. 2007 people always rush to cry "wrong list! wrong list!", w/o even making the i++; logical iteration to realize _why_ the post was made on this list! When I first used a mailing list 12 years ago, discussions were absolutely frank, open, polite and low-stress, but now on almost all lists there are wars, flame wars, nervous people and "bad karma".
Keeping a list on-topic is important, that's why we send mails to tell people they are on the wrong list instead of answering their question.
If people would answer any question on any list, there would not be a purpose to mailinglists, we could create one true big list where everybody is subscribed and everybody could answer every topic. I'm sure you can figure out that is not an ideal situation.
There is a good reason for keeping mails on topic and having different mailinglists about different topics. If you find it offending that people tell you this, it is you who has the problem.
I'm sorry *I* have to tell you this.
Everything else you imply is probably a perception. Nobody is interested in a flame-war, nobody is nervous, nobody has bad karma, except mayb you ?
Kind regards, -- dag wieers, dag@wieers.com, http://dag.wieers.com/ -- [all I want is a warm bed and a kind word and unlimited power]