Robert Moskowitz wrote:
With all the conversations here, and some things on my system, I am seriously thinking of taking another drive, install 4.4 on it, and then move my /home partition (I planned for such eventualities by putting /home on its own partition).
Why the rush to upgrade?
I've just installed 4.3, you can safely bet I'm not going to reinstall. I will deal with the problems that matter to me, ignore the rest. However many problems there have been with 4.4, probably most of them don't bite a large proportion of users.
Couple of questions:
I did my current build with a ks.cfg on a floppy.
Can I use the same information for 4.4 as I did for 4.3? That is none of the packages are version specific it seems.
Yes. Likely with 5 too (with minor revision to the packages).
How can I figure out what I have added and add that to my ks.cfg?
rpm -qa --last.
yum listgroup and yum list and compare to the content of ks.cfg?
Is jre supplied by sun in this release? I really have a mess with Firebird. It is not recognizing the java plugin.
is it in RHEL? I wouldn't think so. Maybe in an additional repo.
I am going to go over my install notes again....
The hardest thing is config changes. rpm -Va can help, but it's not perfect.
If you have/want to have a new drive, clone the system and upgrade the clone. If it breaks, you get a chance to try plan b.
btw Assuming USB2 (or the willingness to run it overnight), Knoppix on CD is a top way to clone disks. You need a USB2 enclosure; plug it in and play away with dd (good if the target's larger and you only want to resize the last partition, parted which can do magic stuff and/or ntfs utils, ace if you have NTFS partitions.