my resolving workin fine now :) :) :D
i created my named service to work for /chroot JAIL
by help from this site:
i have CentOS-5.1 and it has gone smoothly with no errors
it was very helpfull
i say that cause im newbie and it took me step by step
but i still get this when i try to start it from /etc/rc3/S74named:
[root@sanshiro rc3.d]# ./K87named restart
Locating /var/named/chroot/etc/named.conf//etc/named.conf failed:
but i dont care cause my named is working fine now
but maybe if anybody know why he could tell
cause its always better to know why:)
thanks for all
this was my first post , and this mail list is the best
i wish for CentOS many many more seccessfull years ahead
> You have a configuration error. The root.cache file cannot be found on
> your system where you specify it. Please double check your config, and
> that you have all necessary files.
> --
> During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.
> George Orwell
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