You can try this option!!! *-d, --dirs* Tell the sending side to include any directories that are encountered. Unlike *--recursive*, a directory's contents are not copied unless the directory name specified is "." or ends with a trailing slash (e.g. ".", "dir/.", "dir/", etc.). Without this option or the *--recursive*option, rsync will skip all directories it encounters (and output a message to that effect for each one). If you specify both *--dirs* and *--recursive*, *--recursive* takes precedence.
The *--dirs* option is implied by the *--files-from* option or the * --list-only* option (including an implied *--list-only* usage) if * --recursive* wasn't specified (so that directories are seen in the listing). Specify *--no-dirs* (or *--no-d*) if you want to turn this off.
There is also a backward-compatibility helper option, *--old-dirs* (or * --old-d*) that tells rsync to use a hack of "-r --exclude='/*/*'" to get an older rsync to list a single directory without recursing.
On Mon, May 17, 2010 at 12:01 PM, wrote:
On May 17, 2010, at 7:45 AM, John Doe wrote:
From: ""
Any thoughts on how to copy dirs, subdirs and sym links only w/o contents?
Not sure what you mean by broken but, did you check -k or -K? Maybe if you give an example...
Upon looking at them again, they are intact.
However the contents or file data does get copied over when using the - l flag. _______________________________________________ CentOS mailing list