On Thu, 26 Jul 2007, beast wrote:
On 26/07/07 17:57 +0800, Feizhou wrote:
If I choose this path, can it be automatically done using yum with local repository? what about existing data/settings/custom apps/etc? anyone has real experiences on upgrading OS?
You really want apt and deb based distros like ubuntu if you want to go this route.
Are you saying that upgrading Centos is not advisable/reliable path and Ubuntu is better in this area?
(pls, im not trying to start flame, pardon my ignorance :)
Either you choose a stable operating system, like CentOS, RHEL or Ubuntu LTS.
Or you choose a current distribution that updates every X months, like Fedora, Ubuntu or OpenSUSE.
The first will offer you security updates without the need to upgrade the OS or applications for X years. You have the ability to go to a newer stable release roughly every 2 years.
For CentOS/RHEL: X = 7, for Ubuntu LTS: X = 5 (with the note that Ubuntu LTS has not proven that it can keep up with supporting older releases as there have not been any)
The latter will require you to upgrade every X months, which means all applications are updated to newer versions. With all related consequences.
There really is nothing in between, unless you build and update applications/packages yourself when there is the demand for that.
So if someone says you have to go with Ubuntu, the problem remains. Do you go with Ubuntu LTS (stable, no new versions) or with Ubuntu (always latest and greatest). The difference is that it seems as if Ubuntu offers everything because it is called the same, but you're stuck making the same decision.
Personally, I never upgrade the OS. I simply install the fresh one, but its fine on my laptop, not for my clients.
Use images then if all your 400 workstations are identical.
Yes, previously I just clone the HD, but thats ok only for new install, not preserving the data/user settings.
I'm willing to go to every clients at first install if needed, but not every year or so for maintenance. I need setup and forget setup :-p
So you don't want to install the latest and greatest Open Office when it comes out, do you ? Otherwise don't plan to forget ! (people will scream if the new Open Office is different when they come back from vacation)
-- dag wieers, dag@wieers.com, http://dag.wieers.com/ -- [Any errors in spelling, tact or fact are transmission errors]