Alan Sparks wrote:
David Suhendrik wrote:
Thanks Alan,
This is error message when start service DRBD $ sudo /etc/init.d/drbd start Starting DRBD resources: Can not load the drbd module.
I don't get any error message, and i think problem is DRBD kernel module, not ?? $ sudo cat /proc/drbd cat: /proc/drbd: No such file or directory
-- Regards, David
And you've checked dmesg, and /var/log/messages? And you created a correct /etc/drbd.conf? What have you actually done to this point? -Alan
CentOS mailing list
Alan, Please let me know your estimate? Im sure with my drbd.conf and i don't get any message about drbd both on dmesg and message. I concern with this error message: $ sudo /etc/init.d/drbd start Starting DRBD resources: Can not load the drbd module.
Indicate if DRBD module not loaded by kernel, may be missing module or anything i don't know..., what do you think?