On Sun, Jun 28, 2009 at 4:48 PM, Robert Hellerheller@deepsoft.com wrote:
I have KomPozer installed, but after using M$ FrontPage for years, KomPozer looks like it is going to have a learning curve and I want to get away from FrontPage and Windows. I know Mark (MHR) uses SeaMonkey. Wondering if there is anything else I can use on Linux that is easier on a FrontPage user. I found this article: http://webdesign.about.com/od/htmleditors/tp/aatpwyslinux.htm when I googled. Recommendations? TIA!
First of all WYSIWYG and HTML are really mutually exclusive ideas. The The other option is to move away from 'hand edited HTML' and use a web-based CMS, such as WordPress.
Curious about WordPress, although it's blogging SW. I installed it (and the dependencies) with yum, but it's not shown in the GNOME "Applications" menu. How do I launch WordPress? [lanny@dell2400 ~]$ whereis wordpress wordpress: /etc/wordpress /usr/share/wordpress TIA