On 12/18/2015 08:34 AM, Jonathan Billings wrote:
On Thu, Dec 17, 2015 at 09:38:40PM +0000, Richard wrote: "Ubuntu 12.04+, Debian 7+, OpenSuSE 13.1+, or Fedora Linux 21" No plus (+) after the 21. I assume it must be a typo, since f21 left support on the 1st of this month. The fact that their documentation is poorly maintained is just another bit of evidence that no one seems to care. Either that, or Google doesn't support Chrome on any supported version of RHEL or Fedora. I guess I have to switch to OpenSuSE.
it could also be an indictment of Fedora itself, in effect saying 'well, it worked on 21, but we have no idea WTF batcrap craziness will be coming out of them next... so. good luck with that.'