On Mon, 14 Sep 2009 Akemi Yagi wrote
You need the i586 kernel for the AMD K6 machines. Bad news is CentOS 5 does not support it. Good news is CentOS 4 supports it.
Visit http://i586.centos.org/centos/4/ and you will find what is required to boot your system. Once booted, type 'linux i586' to start the installation.
Good luck!
Thanks for the information. I did visit the link and found what I interpreted as a replacement iso for the first disk of 4. Did I misinterpret something ? I downloaded disks 2 through 4 from the Ga. Tech mirror and burned them as well, all apparently without error. However, when I attempted to run a media check from "i586 text nousb" the first disk passed but the others resulted in "unable to find install image on /tmp/cdrom" (or something close to that, I am quoting from memory). I looked at the disks and they appear to be OK, and I burned them with the same commands I used for disk 1. Does this mean I needed to gets disks 2 through 4 elsewhere ? Only disk 1 of the set was on the link I visited.
Another question, and perhaps I need to google this more but thought I'd ask: On the system I am trying to install this I already have on hda msdos and RH9. I have a large disk on hdc, however, with lots of free space. It appeared that by telling the installation program to use only hdc I could successfully put CentOS there, but when it came time to tell grub what other systems to boot I it recognized dos on hda1, but I could find no way to add RH9 on hda2. It seemed that I was limited to only two operating systems. Is there a way around this ?
(If not I intend to physically swap the hard disks and just install on the new hda, keeping stuff on the old hdc for reference). But if it is possible to keep the two existing systems on hda and put CentOS on hdc, and have grub on the mbr of hda control the boot I'd like to do that.
Buz Davis