On Wednesday 15 August 2012 19:46:42 Les Mikesell wrote:
On Wed, Aug 15, 2012 at 1:26 PM, Tony Molloy tony.molloy@ul.ie
]$ cat testcentoslist | egrep ^m.*:.*:.*:850: m9718308:pw:9301:850: Lynch :/home/pgstud/m9718508:/bin/bash
Exactly what I needed. I'll just drop the cat as a later poster pointed out.
sed -n -e '/pattern/p' can match anything grep would do and might be even more useful if you want substitutions for subsequent use. And of course perl can do anything sed can do, and then some...
True true, and of course C could do anything and everything ;-)
But all I need is a simple script which will be run once a year to remove the graduated students from the password file.