Hi all,
I have a banking customer asking if CentOS is compatible on RHV4.0 as a guest VM. Based on Red Hat’s knowledge base (see link below), CentOS not supported guest OS.
However, VMware say on their official document, CentOS is a compatible guest OS (see link below). So, in my customer's mind, CentOS cannot be used as a guest OS in RHV cause it is not compatible, which I find it hard to believe considering the relationship between CentOs and RHEL.
RHV supported guest OS https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_virtualization/4.0/htm...
VMware compatible guest OS https://partnerweb.vmware.com/comp_guide2/pdf/VMware_GOS_Compatibility_Guide...
So, my question is, technically, can CentOS run as a guest OS on RHV4? Is there anyone that has done extensive test with CentOS on RHV? Is there any documentation or links that can show CentOS will run fine on RHV4? Just need to show customer that indeed CentOS is technically compatible on RHV but just not supported by Red Hat.
Many thanks.
p/s: If you’re wondering why I’m not getting the customer to migrate CentOS to RHEL just so that it’s a supported configuration? well, for some reason he just wants to continue using CentOS, which I’m guessing could be caused by $$$ as they have heaps of CentOS in their environment.
LING YEW KIM PLATFORMS SOLUTIONS ARCHITECT Red Hat Malaysia (ASEAN) https://www.redhat.com/ lkim@redhat.com mailto:lkim@redhat.com M: +6012-343-8765 tel:+6012-343-8765
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