On 04/21/2011 06:11 AM, David McGuffey wrote:
After the upgrade, my VMs stopped loading. Found others with the problem and followed the guidance to use virsh to dump the xml file of the VM, undefine the VM, edit the xml file to change 'raw' to 'qcow2', redefine the VM from the edited xml, and restart the machine. I still get the following error when I try to start the VM:
redlibvirtError: internal error Process exited while reading console log output: qemu: could not open disk image /dev/hda
You should not need to do anything in virsh to dump a file ... there should be an xml file in /etc/libvirt/qemu/ for every VM already. In that file, you need to go to the "<disk type='file' device='disk'>" section and look for a line that says:
<driver name='qemu' type='raw' cache='none'/>
and change it to
<driver name='qemu' type='qcow2' cache='none'/>
(the cache might be different, but you can leave it alone)
The key is to change the type=raw to type=qcow2