Kanwar Ranbir Sandhu wrote:
On Mon, 2007-01-22 at 13:57 -0600, Mark Snyder wrote:
Why would you want to configure the print que as raw when you are printing through an application package? I understand that the console application may need the raw que as it is probably doing all the printer formatting with the application.
The problem is that the Linux drivers don't work - they never have. Even the console app doesn't work (it doesn't do any formatting or printer control). So, the only way to print anything to it is through the Windows machine. It's set up as a raw queue on the Linux side in order to let the Windows PC process the print jobs.
Simply create another printer que to the same printer using the proper printer driver for that printer and all will be well.
Oh, how I would _love_ to do that. I need to set the printer on fire. It'll be better for everyone.
We use the Okidata printers all the time without any problem. We use them with a small dedicated print server box connection via our TCP network. Set up the printer to use either the epson emulation or the IBM proprinter emulation, we have had no success with the Okidata emulation. For our console application we setup a raw printer que, for everything else we use the appropriate driver for the printer emulation set on the printer.
Can you do a test to the printer from the Windows box? You must get that working first then match the print driver on cups to the Windows driver. One of the Epson FX series will work the best. It would be much less troublesome to just use a dedicated print server as we do.
Good Luck Mark