-----Original Message----- From: centos-bounces@centos.org [mailto:centos-bounces@centos.org] On
Of Kai Schaetzl Sent: Thursday, April 16, 2009 4:33 PM To: centos@centos.org Subject: Re: [CentOS] Dual-boot with WinXP, CentOS already installed
Sorin Srbu wrote on Thu, 16 Apr 2009 14:35:40 +0200:
Googled some more. Realised /boot/grub/menu.lst *is* /etc/grub.conf...
You want to change /boot/grub/grub.conf, nothing else !
I've got to read properly... Thx for the headsup.
Also some people say it's better to have Windows installed to the first harddrive and the first partition (so that C: is the where it should be
1st hd/1st partition).
Doesn't matter.
Apparantely Windows can bork up after a while if the system files aren't on C:. I was thinking the Windows installer will see the linux partitions and try to name them C: and D: etc, thus Windows will be installed on E: or F:, which might not go down well with some programs.
Would I be better off disconnecting the drive containing CentOS and reconnect it when I'm done installing Windows. Then boot with CentOS
and reinstall grub to the Windows-hd MBR?
Why? If you want to put them on separate *hardware* then you don't have to reinstall anything. Just make sure that the CentOS drive is the first boot drive.
Windows drive numbering, see above. This way Windows doesn't see linux at all.
Can't tell for sure though. I might work anyway. Will have to try out first.