Hello all.
This is a question that I should be able to answer, but the old grey cells aren't working. My Google-Fu must not be up to snuff, either.
I have a MOXA IP-RS232 converter that I'm going to be using over an RF WAN and I need to confirm the actual data rate that I'll be able to achieve. I have the drivers loaded (/dev/ttyr00) and a loopback plug on the end of the device. I am able to confirm that it works fine with minicom, but I'd like to be able to have a program read/write the device with a largish file and give me a throughput rating.
Short of writing my own program, can anyone point me to a good tool for that purpose. yum search RS232 and yum search serial haven't provided what I'm looking for and I can't imagine that this isn't already done.