There is an upgraded BackupPC in the testing repository. It is version 3.0.0, which was released in January.
The setup differences between version 2.1.2 and this version is that some file directories have shifted locations:
1. /var/lib/backuppc/conf is now instead /etc/BackupPC/
2. /var/lib/backuppc/log is now /var/log/BackupPC
If you are upgrading ... you _CAN_NOT_ just copy your old config file into /etc/BackupPC can continue on ... you need to migrate in any changes that you made to original file to this file as there are updated options in the new file.
How is the best way to do that ... you did save a copy of the original file prior to changing it ... right :P
If not ... here is what I did: ----commands---- cd /tmp
mkdir backuppc
cd backuppc
rpm2cpio backuppc-2.1.2-3.c4.centos4.i386.rpm | cpio -idv
----end commands-----
You should be in /tmp/backuppc and you should see all the files (extracted) from the original RPM in there ... inside the /tmp/backuppc/var/lib/backuppc/conf/ should be an original file. You can use that file to create a diff file that you can read to make changes to the new file.
here is what I did prior to upgrade:
cd /var/lib/backkuppc/
cp -a conf conf.bak
cp -a logs logs.bak
cd conf.bak
cp /tmp/backuppc/var/lib/backuppc/conf/
diff >
----end commands----
Now you are ready to upgrade ... you will need to enable the testing repo to do the upgrade (or download the files manually and install manually via RPM). How to do the upgrade via yum:
Put the testing repo file into /etc/yum.repos.d/ :
(the file is disabled by default)
Once you have the file in place, use this command: ----commands----
yum --enablerepo=c4-testing upgrade backuppc perl-Compress-Zlib perl-File-RsyncP perl-Time-modules perl-XML-RSS
----end commands----
(that command in all on one line if it wraps in your mail client)
You can use that diff file from above to manually add new changes to the /etc/BackupPC/ file after upgrade.
Also after upgrade, you can move all the files in /var/lib/backuppc/log/ to /var/log/BackupPC/
Once everything is configured ... restart backuppc and httpd
Once everything is working, you can get rid of the following directories in "/var/lib/backuppc/" ... conf, conf.bak, log, log.bak
If you are installing new, replace "upgrade" with "install" in the above yum command ... and see the README.centos file in /usr/share/doc/backuppc-3.0.0/ after install
Here is the original announcement, which also has good info:
Thanks, Johnny Hughes