On Thu, Apr 14, 2011 at 5:06 PM, admin lewis adminlewis@gmail.com wrote:
Hi I have a Dell PowerEdge T310 *tower* server.. I have to buy an ups by apc... anyone could help me giving an hint ? a simple "smart ups 1000" could be enough ?
It depends on how long you want it to run. Your choice is a small UPS to give your server just enough time to shut down or a big UPS to allow you to carry on working for some time.
In general a fileserver will only need a minimum of 5 to 10 minutes to shut down as your workstations are probably already dead. Obviously this has changed now that people have laptops. If you're running big processes on the server then you need long enough to let them complete or shut down gracefully.
Of course this assumes reliable power. If you regularly have outages or bad brownouts then scale up.