On Tue, Mar 23, 2010 at 04:56:43PM +0100, Niki Kovacs wrote:
Now what would be an orthodox (and somewhat secure) configuration to be able to connect to this MySQL server on 'raymonde' from another machine in the LAN ? Do I have to (re)create a root@raymonde MySQL account and eventually give it the same password than root@localhost ?
As Les mentioned, user@host == user on the client host, not user on the server host. That's a generic user, not necessarily tied to the currently logged-in username. So on raymonde you'd do
grant xxx on db.blah to user@clientHost identified by 'pass';
and someone on clientHost could do
mysql -uuser -ppass -h raymonde db
to connect.
One important distinction that MySQL makes (and some other dbms, like PostgreSQL, do not necessarily do) is that each ''user'' is a user-clienthost combination. So
grant xxx on db.blah to user@clientHost1 identified by 'pass'; grant yyy on db.blah to user@clientHost2 identified by 'pass'; grant zzz on db.blah to user@% identified by 'pass';
creates *three* distinct users. This can get very confusing if xxx, yyy, and zzz are all different grants, or if you add grants later to user@clientHost1 but not clientHost2, or if the passwords are different (or if the user changes one of them). So you should try to keep your MySQL user database simple, to try to avoid this confusion.
Finally, if you want your passwords encrypted you can use --ssl, but both the client and server need to support SSL. I haven't used this much, so you should check out the docs at dev.mysql.com first.