What can anyone tell me about the polkit-gnome package that came with CentOS 7.5? Looking at the Fedora pack for the same, it seems like I'm missing pieces of this package.
Re: https://rpmfind.net/linux/RPM/epel/7/x86_64/Packages/p/polkit-gnome-0.106-0....
I start my gui session with startx instead of GDM. I am having a lot of authentication issues at the moment. I am somewhat familiar with dealing with polkit but mostly things are not working well at all.
On an older version of openSUSE I once used with systemd, I started up a kde-polkit-integration app as part of my X session init, in a local .xinit file. Should I do the same with the supplied polkit-gnome provided?
Any insights much appreciated. Thanks.
------------------------------------------ MzK
"Less is MORE."