Hi Jason,
On 10/10/2014 12:49 AM, Jason T. Slack-Moehrle wrote:
mark is currently moderated away from the list.
​Would you be able to help us understand what Mark did to have this happen?
I've emailed him privately, that might be the best way to work this. He's not the only person moderated, everyone on that list has been emailed privately.
I ask since you recently sent the e-mail about list conduct. I think it would help us to understand what specifically you used for criteria to moderate in this case.
Thanks for the clarification.
in this specific case, his threats of physical violence ( arguably, death threats ) towards people are really not acceptable on this list; and really content of that nature should not be acceptable in any sort of group;
this is a technical list, largely self moderated, and very well established + respected in the peer group. Lets try and keep content to the technical conversations, ideally CentOS relevant.