On Tue, Mar 10, 2009 at 8:15 AM, Tariq Ismail Dalvi <tariqdalvi@gmail.com> wrote:
Hello to all,

I am having a web server mail server Mysql and name server
on single machine my os is CentOs 5.2 and desktop
gnome everything was working fine now couple of days
back I was using text editor, Fire Fox and GIMP at a time
and my mouse started to act funny as well as very slow
even my keyboard curser moves very slow I feel it is
some sort of memory problem but I have noticed the
servers are accessible from outside of network are
fine except that I am only facing problem while using desk top.

Secondly if I reboot the system it start to work fine
for few hours.

I shall highly appreciate if someone can give me a
hint or how to fix it.

Thank you.
CentOS mailing list

Just how much memory do you have in your system?  Are you actually hosting anything on your servers?  When your system is experiencing the problem run the following and send it over

cat /proc/meminfo
