On Tue, Jun 03, 2014 at 11:55:55AM -0400, Tim Dunphy wrote:
while true do echo "Time and date: $(/bin/date +"%D %H:%M:%S")" >> /tmp/apache_request_log >> /tmp/apache_request_log echo ???hostname: $(/bin/hostname -f)\n??? >> /tmp/apache_request_log echo ???host ip: $(/bin/hostname -i)??? >> /tmp/apache_request_log echo "Server Stats: $(/usr/bin/GET `hostname -f`/server-status/?auto | /bin/egrep -i 'kbytes')" >> /tmp/apache_request_log echo "Server Stats: $(/usr/bin/GET `hostname -f`/server-status/?auto | /bin/egrep -i 'ReqPerSec')" >> /tmp/apache_request_log echo -e "\n" sleep 60 done
Look at this code structure:
while true do { echo Time and date: $(date +"%D %H:%M:%S") echo Hostname: $(hostname -f) echo Hostname IP: $(hostname -i) ... ... # Leave two blank lines echo echo } >> /tmp/apache_request_log sleep 60 done
Note how we're only doing one redirect; this makes the code easier to read and less likely to make a mistake (and more efficient).
Still can't get the echo -e "\n" statement to print a new line for some reason. Other than that I'm good. And thanks for everyone's help!
That's one of the mistakes; you forgot the >> /tmp/apache_request_log on the echo line. But "echo" on its own without anything else leaves a blank line.
The next clever bit is to not call "GET" twice; why make apache do twice the work? Call it once and store the results in a variable
stat=$(GET $(hostname -f)/server-status/?auto) echo Server Stats: $(echo "$stat" | grep -i kbytes) echo Server Stats: $(echo "$stat" | grep -i ReqPerSec)
(You can get even more clever, but that's a little more involved; we'll start with some basics :-))
So we end up with something like:
# These never change... name=$(hostname -f) ip=$(hostname -i)
# Once a minute, record some stats while true do { echo Time and date: $(date +"%D %H:%M:%S") echo Hostname: $name echo Hostname IP: $ip stat=$(GET $name/server-status/?auto) echo Server Stats: $(echo "$stat" | grep -i kbytes) echo Server Stats: $(echo "$stat" | grep -i ReqPerSec) echo echo } >> /tmp/apache_request_log sleep 60 done