On Thu, Jan 26, 2006 at 10:19:44PM -0500, Matt Morgan enlightened us:
Despite Craig's excellent help with my Excel/Samba, I continue to have trouble with Samba 3.0.10 under CentOS 4.2. Quickbooks, now, too, is just acting really weird.
I'm tempted to upgrade beyond the regular packages, although I really don't like to do that, because the samba list and a lot of info online lead me to believe that 3.0.11+ fixes these issues.
What's the best way to use something newer than the regualr packages? Does someone out there have a CentOS repo with a newer samba? Should I just use the Fedora packages?
I've never used packages from here, but you might check out http://enterprisesamba.com/
Another Matt