On Fri, 2015-01-23 at 16:18 +1300, Rob Kampen wrote:
On 01/23/2015 04:05 PM, Always Learning wrote:
On Thu, 2015-01-22 at 21:19 -0500, Bill Maltby (C4B) wrote:
I object to this sort of crap. Hidden, no reason for an *IX desktop to be forced to ignore or deal with this crap.
Anybody else seeing it?
In case attachments aren't allowed in the list, here's the Dropbox url for the image.
I believe this relates to an earlier thread in which someone questioned what that Freedesktop.org stuff was doing (as did I).
Any help appreciated.
What is going-on ? It really looks Windozed ! Looking at it makes me feel ill.
Seriously?? If, as most linux folk do, you run your desktop as a normal user (i.e. NOT root) and then you try to do some system type changing, then there are two options -
- tell the user to go away
- ask for suitable credentials
The authenticate dialog box is offering to complete the task as long the password for root is supplied - what on earth is wrong with that? On the command line you just get a cryptic not allowed, insufficient rights etc. type message, with GUI the developer is interpreting this and offering to escalate privileges if you can prove you are allowed.
Most of the applications under the system/administration tab of the gnome desktop offer this kind of dialog. Sorry I don't see the reason for the paranoia.
Everyone's entitled to his own opinion, so I respect your right to that view.
First, as to paranoia, how much $ is spent because of justified paranoia in this world? ISTM that paranoia is justified by that alone. Second, I spent too many years working with "those who know best" developing software and systems when there was rigorous methodology to have any unjustified faith in those who now work in a "throw it against the user wall and see what sticks or gets reported as buggy" methodology.
I don't want this stupid thing popping up every time I switch from my normal active user logons to my "dead" one (used to get around the unaddressed bug I filed over a month ago about switching run levels causing crashes and running multiple users as I'd been doing for ... over a decade(?) on CentOS).
Even windows doesn't make me repeatedly click cancel if I'm not ready to update (I have one Windows box for one application I do and my wife has a couple) - it raise a little ... "flag" saying updates are available (I have "check with me" set rather than allowing auto updates).
Yesterday on this 6.6 box I had to click cancel many times - most on one switch of users as apparently they queue up.
AFAIK, tools are provided (sudo, "su -", ...) for non-root users to invoke and accomplish these functions on *their* schedule, rather than that set by some anonymous "one who knows better".
MHO, Bill