On Tue, Jul 28, 2015 at 02:20:06PM -0500, Johnny Hughes wrote:
If RHEL releases source code that does not accept weak passwords, then we will rebuild that source code for CentOS Linux. If they later change the source code to add back weak password support, we will rebuild that too.
Whether we like or dislike the policy doesn't matter in the slightest .. we don't make those kind of choices in CentOS Linux .. we rebuild the RHEL source code.
For what it's worth, at the Fedora level, we are extremely, extremly unlikely to ship code which does not allow relatively-easy site-local configuration of password policy, regardless of whatever defaults we choose. It's also likely that Red Hat will choose different defaults from Fedora for RHEL. That's not my department, but I would certainly be surprised if *that* comes out in a way that doesn't make setting your own policy simple as well, because that's something people want and need.