On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 10:50 AM, Les Mikesell
<lesmikesell@gmail.com> wrote:
Rainer Duffner wrote:
>> - if possible fail-over / high availability support.
> For free?
> ;-)
>> I need to support about 15 - 30 (some part time) students, so I would
>> like to keep the costs low. If it's free, so much better. SME works
>> for most of the stuff, but it still runs on CentOS 4, and I'd prefer
>> to use 5.
> I have a sense of deja-vu. Didn't we have all these questions and specs
> a couple of weeks ago?
That was more about something that scaled up. For 15 people I'd
probably run SME server in a VMware guest on a machine doing something
else. And handle the high availablity by having the host use RAID1 on
swappable disks that could be moved to a spare chassis.