On Sat, 2005-09-10 at 21:20 -0700, Ed Morrison wrote:
Craig White wrote:
I'm afraid Dag is correct - as I have tried to build on my 'Whitebox' (EL-3) system, I cannot get perl-Date-Calc
note to Dag -
doesn't list perl-Date-Calc at all
Ya, I failed myself, then I realized the point Dag was making. Unfortunately, as of now, I do not know how to start in creating a perl-Date-Calc rpm to submit to rpmforge.
Looks like I need to start googling.
---- tougher than it first appears
perl -MCPAN -e shell
install Date::Calc
has some dependencies as well.
to build them in an rpm, you would have to download the perl modules from cpan, create a spec file that builds the rpm from the tarballs you downloaded from cpan.
but even though I have installed Date::Calc, I still can't build the rpm.