On Jul 29, 2008, at 3:29 PM, Paul Johnson wrote:
People keep sending me to RPMforge, but apparently you don't go there yourselves to see you are sending me nowhere. Follow your advice:
i'm sorry that you're experiencing confusion; the websites for RPMforge and rpmrepo are incomplete right now. rather than continuing to beat your head against a sparsely populated wiki, i'd recommend you do the following:
1) subscribe to the appropriate RPMforge mailing list (http://lists.rpmforge.net/mailman/listinfo ) - since you're submitting new packages, you probably want the "suggest" list. you may also want to join the "users" list.
2) post your specfiles to the suggest list. here's an example of someone else posting a spec file (http://lists.rpmforge.net/pipermail/suggest/2008-July/000547.html ), which is then accepted by one of the admins.
i hope you won't be discouraged; even if not everyone in the CentOS community is excited about your packages, i'm sure that someone out there will be, and contributing them to a large, widely-used repository like RPMforge is probably the best way to distribute them.
all the best, -steve
-- If this were played upon a stage now, I could condemn it as an improbable fiction. - Fabian, Twelfth Night, III,v