On Thu, Jan 30, 2014 at 9:30 AM, dip patel dip.patel6555@gmail.com wrote:
it can not b possible cause i m working in ISRO - PRL and it had a 348 node cluster and that all system is already running on Cent os so it is not possible to change whole system due to this single problem my head doesnt allow to me for this
OK, the _first_ thing you need to do is look at the EPEL (Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux) section of http://wiki.centos.org/AdditionalResources/Repositories. And understand that the rpm packages in that repository do not overwrite any base system packages (although they may conflict with other 3rd party packages). These packages are known to work on RHEL/CentOS - something you can't say for some random tarball you compile yourself.
After you install the epel-release package, you can use 'yum search packagename', 'yum info packagename', yum install packagename, etc., and subsequent 'yum update' runs will do the right things. Or if you want to do it the hard way you can download the individual rpm packages, install them in dependency order, and watch for updates yourself.