On Wed, Dec 21, 2011 at 08:30:23PM -0700, Corey Henderson wrote:
On 12/21/2011 8:23 PM, fred smith wrote:
On Wed, Dec 21, 2011 at 07:56:51PM -0700, Corey Henderson wrote:
On 12/21/2011 7:44 PM, fred smith wrote:
Just did an in-place update from 6.1 to 6.2 on my eeepc 901 (Atom CPU).
during boot, (if I hit ESC to see the boot messages) it says "starging udev" then nothing else for a few seconds, then a huge register dump scrolls by. it's too big to see the beginning of it.
If I boot from the prior kernel and look in /var/log/messages, I don't see any evidence of the failed boot.
I've seen the other thread titled "kernel panic", and it seems to be due to a missing initramfs, but there is an initramfs for 2.6.32-220.el6 already in /boot, so I don't think that would be the problem.
Can anyone suggest how I would isolate what's going on here?
Take a peek at what is inside the initramfs file:
~ $ mkdir initramfs ~ $ cd initramfs/ ~/initramfs $ gzip -d< /boot/initramfs-2.6.32-220.el6.x86_64.img | cpio -id 73012 blocks ~/initramfs $ ls bin cmdline dev dracut-004-256.el6 emergency etc init initqueue initqueue-finished initqueue-settled initqueue-timeout lib lib64 mount pre-pivot pre-trigger pre-udev proc sbin sys sysroot tmp usr var ~/initramfs $ find lib/modules -name '*.ko'
If a module that is required to mount your system (ext3/4, dm_dm-raid, etc - very system dependent) isn't in there, then the system won't be able to boot. Sometimes they don't get added automatically, for whatever reason. If you're able to identify the missing driver, edit this file:
And add a line like this:
Then re-run dracut. If you don't know how to do that, then you probably should just rpm -e that kernel package, then re-install it.
Hope this helps.
Corey, would it be a ligitimate comparison to unpack both the initramfs for the new kernel and for the most recent prior one, then compare the list of kernel modules?
thanks for the suggestion!
Yes, that's a good thing to do.
well, I got the list of .ko for both the new (bad) initramfs and the old (bood) one, stripped off the start of each line so that it beings with "kernel" (so the different path won't confuse diff) and ran:
diff good bad | less
and here's what I got:
kernel/drivers/platform/x86/mxm-wmi.ko kernel/drivers/platform/x86/wmi.ko
kernel/drivers/target/loopback/tcm_loop.ko kernel/drivers/target/target_core_mod.ko
272d280 < kernel/drivers/hwmon/hwmon.ko
which seems to show that the "bad" one contains some that aren't in the "good"one. the only exception is hwmon.ko doesn't exist in "good", but I can't see how that would be important, can you?
If you come up empty (all the same kernel modules exist in both) then it's likely a bug in some kernel module. The "emergency_shell" part of dracut may be useful in debug this. When you reboot, during the grub menu, add this to the kernel's command line:
I guess I'll try this, though I'm not sure I know how to poke around productively. what have I to lose? :)
During the boot process, you'll get dropped to a command line, and can run some of the basic commands provided intisde the initramfs.
If you look at the "init" file inside the initramfs, you can see the different points you'll end up with with different arguments to rdbreak; ie, pre-udev, initqueue, etc.
-- Corey Henderson http://cormander.com/ _______________________________________________ CentOS mailing list CentOS@centos.org http://lists.centos.org/mailman/listinfo/centos