On Wed, 4 Dec 2013, Steve Clark wrote:
Also did you check the Health Status in the BIOS, was the temperature in spec with what the chip spec is. You can run cpuburn (program) and see if running the processor full out causes it to shutdown.
Once upon a time, the CPU area temperature was 80 C, which got a "BING! BING! BING!" from m.roth.
Also, the last time checked I noticed that 5v was 5.263, more than 3% error.
On Tue, 3 Dec 2013, Thomas Dineen wrote:
It will be easier and cheaper to by a static grounding strap that you wear on your wrist and connect to a conducting part of the metal cabnet.
My plan involved a wire-wrap wire "bracelet" and a megohm resistor. Connecting the other end to a bare metal part of the case is sufficient? I don't need an actual ground?