Zebee Johnstone said: [snip]
I know nothing at all about php, so am having a hell of a time diagnosing the errors, and the squirrelmail.org site knows of no RH distro after 7.3
Oh? The download page lists squirrelmail-i18n-1.4.4-1.noarch.rpm as"...for Red Hat Linux 8, 9, Fedora Core 1, 2, 3, and EL 3, 4 (apache-2.0)". Trust me, it works.
So... is anyone running squirrelmail on their CentOS site, and can they tell me why I'm seeing: Warning: main(../config/config.php): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /usr/share/squirrelmail/functions/global.php on line 16
I'd say check your permissions on config.php and verify it is in the path that Squirrelmail thinks it is.
Perhaps someone can email me with RH specific instructions?
There's really not that much too it (you've done everything). Another issue might be your custom PHP/Apache config (which you didn't elaborate on).