On 11/10/12 05:42, James B. Byrne wrote:
When I login as root I see this prompt:
[root@vhost04 ~]#
When I login as a non-priviledged user I see this instead:
.bashrc and .bash_profile have identical contents in /root and /home/user. What causes the difference? Why? How does one change the default so that all normal users get a [userid@hostname pwd]$ prompt?
I have loked in/etc/profile.d and /etc/bashrc and I cannot see what condition is triggering the different behaviour.
The following line in /etc/bashrc
[ "$PS1" = "\s-\v\$ " ] && PS1="[\u@\h \W]\$ "
is changing the prompt for the root user from the default '\s-\v$ ', because the root user has '/bin/bash' as there shell.
The ordinary users are just getting the default PS1 because they have there shell set to '/bin/sh', and hence, /etc/bashrc is not called.
I suggest you change all normal (non-system) users to have '/bin/bash' as there default shell, and they will get the correct prompt, and a better shell.