On 14/01/11 16:47, Gilbert Sebenste wrote:
On Fri, 14 Jan 2011, Eero Volotinen wrote:
2011/1/14 Brunner, Brian T.BBrunner@gai-tronics.com:
Is this how other CentOS users feel when they hear a RHEL
No, I think:
These men and women are so awesome, giving up their time to make us a great operating system at no charge. Whether it be a week, a month, or a year after RHEL release, I am so grateful for all of them and the huge amounts of time and effort they *donate* to do all of this!!
And I'll be blunt here: that should be our mindset for ALL of us on this list, and it would accelerate the timetable of new CentOS releases by:
- Not having Karanbir and others stop and waste their time on snarky
comments, endless "when will it be out, I want it NOW!" tirades, and other garbage
Seriously, this could be improved by having some better clues on when it would be ready or not. F.ex. they could state on the mailing list will be ready "during March". And towards the end they could say "Early or late March" or in worst case "We need to extend the test period to late April".
That gives some ideas when and can really calm a community down. Not knowing anything is the worst which ever happens. If they don't know, come with some guestimates and correct them during the process.
A more transparent process on what is happening and what the plan is, that is what is really needed in community projects.
Sorry, but I'm not in a good mood right now, but I'm tired of people complaining about the slow releases. As for me, I'm very grateful and thankful for what all the *volunteers* do for CentOS. Imperfectly? Sure. That's what patience and grace are for.
Patience is truly gold. But without having at least some vague ideas when, these complains or questions will *never* stop.
kind regards,
David Sommerseth