Thanks for the reply
2009/12/21 Juan Carlos Díaz Fernández
Or maybe implementing dyndns if you can
This sounds very interesting and it seems GNUDIP is one such. but it seems too dated.
it is possible for me to run a dyndns service on a static IP. but can you provide a bit more of gory details about where is it available for centos, and the such.
Yes I am using our friend goole while I am typing this for finding some answer
Alternatively, it there a possibility of installing some agent and getting the MAC address of one of the server behind the router. First a diagram
central location (main monitoring -- Centos box0+monitoring server) | | (Internet) | | +--link1adsl-- Remote1 (dynamic IP) | | +--link2adsl-- Remote2 (dynamic IP) | (and so on...)
In each remote I have a centos box behind the router serving a bunch of desktops.
Is there a possibility that I can install an agent which will contact the central montoring server? (No $$$ here please, as free as in free beer/bread applies in addition to freedom)
BTW it seems there are two type of monitoring tools: Type-1. uses snmp only Type-2. user agents
Is it possible to monitor a link based on the MAC of the centos server sitting behind?
Zabbix seems to be priced
Honestly I am absolutely confused as to which I should choose as it will be maintained by people who may not know what command line is (Sorry!!)
Apologies for too many questions.
I think somebody mentioned NMS to be complex beasts .. I being a vegetarian am finding it all the more daunting
Thanks in advance