On Sun, 2005-11-06 at 11:12 -0600, Johnny Hughes wrote:


You mean like this:

(Look for the "important note" box that starts out:

The default sendmail.cf file does not allow Sendmail to accept network
connections from any host other than the local computer.

Yes, I saw that while I was doing some reading about what was what, but even tho it says it does not allow network connections, that still does not tell one how to enable network connections, and that is the part I completely missed when looking over the sendmail.cf.


That would be because for the vast majority of installs, they need an
MTA that works on the local machine to send out mail, but it is not a
real mail server ... but something that will send php or other mail to a
real mailserver.

I would assume if an individual is sending mail out, one would also need to be receiving mail as well.  Granted many folks use their ISP's mail box for out/inbound, but then again,  folks like me who use the machine as our primary mail gateway should not expect different configurations out of sendmail in the pureist extent.  Sendmail, for me, has always been something that "just works" with little or no tweaking as it has in so many distributions of BSD years past.  I was not expecting a "broken" configuration (broken as in no network connect) even tho the change is trivial. 
Also, if it accepted mail from everywhere without configuration, it
would be as insecure as the Windows XP defaults :)

I can't comment on windows xp, as I've never used the MTA altho it's there...

Because for most machines that are not mail servers, they need out and
not inbound mail.

>  Perhaps someone up the road has different thoughts than I, or perhaps
> it's because there are lots of people who don't like sendmail due to
> the complexity of the sendmail.cf.  Either way, it's now working as it
> should..

I still stand by my thinking that there should be some mention of how to enable sendmail to accept network connections in the docs without swimming thru all the various pages of setup and sysadmin, but that is strictly *my* opinion.  I know better now :-)
