On Fri, Jun 07, 2013 at 10:27:46PM -0500, Johnny Hughes wrote:
OK guys,
Here is the test version of Chromium version 28 for CentOS-6 (the current beta release).
You can copy the repo file from there into /etc/yum.repo.d/ and then issue the command:
yum install chromium
The package is signed by the CentOS-6-Testing key.
Here is the git repo where the build script (source) and instructions are located:
If you already have chrome installed, you will want to remove it and remove the yum repo for chrome as it will get no more updates.
We can not distribute the pepperflash or libpdf viewer from Google Chrome due to licensing restrictions, but you can download these two scripts from the github repo and run them either as root or as a user with sudo access to install those two libraries:
chrome_libpdf_copy.sh: https://raw.github.com/hughesjr/chromium_el_builder/master/chrome_libpdf_cop...
chrome_pepperflash_copy.sh: https://raw.github.com/hughesjr/chromium_el_builder/master/chrome_pepperflas...
Followed all these instructions and it went without incident. The binary is /opt/chromium/chrome. Everything seems to be working well--I copied my $HOME/.config/google-chromium/Defaults to the newly created $HOME/.config/chromium directory which saved all my settings.
It also seems to open faster than google-chrome. Thank you for your efforts.