On Thu, Jan 24, 2013 at 2:27 PM, James Freer jessejazza3.uk@gmail.com wrote:
i do not recommend to use this two repos simultaniuous (or use priorities!). LF
hmmm - well what is one supposed to do? I've got EPEL installed fine but that doesn't have abiword, pyrenamer and some of the the other... fairly standard apps. I turned to Centos after Fedora has proved to be a bit dodgy. Centos along with debian are supposed to be the TWO main community distros. If rpmforge shouldn't be installed (as you've advised) it seems i need to look at another distro.
I generally leave epel enabled and if I need any other repositories for specific packages, set 'enabled=0' in the yum config for them. Then you can 'yum --enablerepo=repo_name install package_name' without too many surprises.