> I dont really think you can get much easier than CVS if you need
> centralized management over a network. If it never gets off the
> machine then there is RCS. If those aren't simple enough... I don't
> think any of the others are going to help.
Thanks for the pointers, it looks like we will go with CVS.
I'd recommend you re-consider SVN. It's as simple as CVS (in terms of command line ease of use) but also adds important things:
1. Atomic commits (when checking in multiple file changes, either all of them or none of them will go in).
2. Directory operations (moving files and directories around is as simple as "svn mv source destination")
3. Branches are a breeze (e,g, "svn mkdir branches/project-a; svn cp trunk/file branches/project-a")
I don't see any reason for anyone to get themselves into the trap that's called CVS at this time and age.
(BTW - if you started with CVS then you should be able to move over to SVN, there are programs to convert the repository).