I tried text mode too, same issue. The video is Radeon 9600.
I have a suspicion that the hard drive is having issues, but at this
point, we haven't even tried to access it yet...
Best regards,
Wednesday, April 27, 2005, 4:56:12 AM, you wrote:
CM> Mickael Maddison wrote:
>>Hello CentOS,
>>I'm trying to isolate a problem with a notebook. I've tried to
>>install CentOS from CD - but once I get the start screen, I type
>>'enter' to begin installing. The installer starts to load but only
>>gets as far as:
>>running install
>>running /sbin/loader
>>That's it. Nothing beyond that... locks up solid.
>>The equipment is ECS 736, P4 2.6Ghz /1024MB RAM, 40GB HDD. Ultimate
>>boot cd boots up fine and all tests appear to be fine.
CM> Have you tried installing in text mode? At the prompt, instead of just
CM> pressing enter, you'll type "text" and then press enter. Sometimes
CM> laptop video adapters can be a bit "unconventional" and confuse things
CM> during an install. I'm not familiar with that particular laptop so I'm
CM> not sure what video chipset it's using.
CM> Cheers,
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